
Communication, Behavior & Relationships

Some of the most important skills for children to learn are: being able to express themselves, making friends and maintaining friendships, regulating sometimes intense emotions, accept boundaries and rules, negotiating needs and learning how to deal with conflicts. Does your child have trouble in any of those areas, is your child "acting out", lying often, or feels shy or left out? Contact me for a free consultation.



Anger, fear, grief, despair, loss, disappointment, shame, low self-esteem and low self-confidence are sometimes so intense, that it is difficult to endure and deal with them. They affect our quality of life and our ability to attend to our daily tasks. They can translate into a pronounced anxiety disorder or phobia, depression, social withdrawal or oppositional behavior. Identifying emotions, knowing how to express them adequately, and to regulate them are fundamental skills - I help your child learn those skills and deal with those emotions. Contact me for a free consultation.

School & Learning

School and learning can be a challenge. Learning how to learn, structuring the tasks, setting goals and defining steps to get there, sticking to the plan, grasping the concept of time - those are important things to master. Sometimes it also hard to balance learning requirements and extra curricula and fun activities. If your child feels overwhelmed or experiences any of those challenges, or if your child has a hard time focusing and paying attention, contact me for a free consultation.

Daily Stuff

Getting enough sleep, bed time routines, healthy eating, electronics and screen time, social media, sexuality, personal hygiene, meal times, and doctor and dental care are just some of the things that might be somewhat challenging. I support you in working through them - contact me for a free consultation.

Raising Global Citizens / Third Culture Kids

Third culture children are raised in a culture other than their parents’ or other than the culture of the country where they are legally considered native for a significant part of their early development years. They are said to experience both enormous advantages but also considerable challenges. I provide tips on how to best support Third Culture Kids' different needs and help them shape their very own cultural identity. Contact me for a free consultation.