
Parent Coaching

Your child has many milestones to reach. Emotional, social and cognitive development are inextricably interwoven. It is fascinating to see your child develop. Each of these milestones require different skills and aspects of you as the parent. How you parent is also dependent upon the age of the child. The basis of all is a healthy emotional bond between the caregiver and the child. We support you in being the best parent you can be, that preeminently promotes your child’s becoming a happy, responsible person able to successfully cope with life’s challenges and to maintain fulfilling relationships. Contact me for a free consultation.

Preparing for the Role of Parenting

Your child will change your life fundamentally – which was the goal. Some parents-to-be are unaware of the extent and depth of those changes. Many parents have benefited from detailed preparation of their pregnancy and parenthood to prevent surprises. Changes are particularly related to the following aspects of your previous life: Identity and understanding of one’s role; work-life balance; romantic relationship; finances; ambivalent emotions around pregancy and parenthood; hobbies and friendships; vacation; living situation; relationships within the extended family. Contact me for a free consultation.

Family Planning

Planning your own family includes many aspects: What is the best time to have a first, second or third baby? How can we include a baby in our current and future life circumstances? Is it better for our child to have a sibling – what does it mean to be a single child? Different ways of having a child: IVF, artificial insamination, surrogate  mother, egg- and/or sperm donor; adoption. When is it still good for me/us to continue; when is it better for me/us to stop the process? What if my/our wish to have a baby is not coming true? I help you navigate those questions. Contact me for a free consultation.

Different Family Structures

There are many ways to create a family: two-parent-family with mom and dad; same-sex two-parent-family; single-parent-by-choice; patchwork families; adoptive and foster families; families in which the grandparents have the parenting role; multi-parent families in the context of artificial reproduction measures; single-parent-families through divorce, separation or loss of partner. Each has its own aspects, and common challenges: self care and care for others; communication within the family; dealing with prejudices; role models for the kids; networks and support systems; managing every day life. We support your mastering these challenges. Contact me for a free consultation.


Raising children in two separate homes brings its own challenges. I support you in navigating co-parenting issues through separation, divorce and beyond, guide you through the turmoil of the child's emotional reactions, and identify ways to create a constructive and goal-oriented co-parent partnership. With practical strategies and 'how-to' answers I help you ensure your kids thrive. Contact me for a free consultation.

Parent Coordination

Working together in the best interest of the child while separating or divorcing might be a challenge. Parent coordinators help separating or parents already separated implement their parenting plan and resolve any dispute related to that plan. Establishing and maintaining co-parenting strategies that work for the family and assist parents in fulfilling their roles as parents in a healthy and safe manner, while focusing on the needs of the child, is the main goal. Contact me for a free consultation.